Doktora/Sanatta Yeterlilik/Tıpta Uzmanlık, Türkiye, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat (Dr), 2007, 2012 |
Yüksek Lisans, Türkiye, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat (Yl) (Tezsiz), 2005, 2007 |
Lisans, Türkiye, Ankara Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, İktisat Bölümü, 2001, 2005 |
İngilizce, YÖKDİL, 93, 2018 |
Kayıt Yok |
[UAK] Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Makro İktisat Para Politikası |
[UAK] Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Makro İktisat Para-Banka |
2015-, Doktor Öğretim Üyesi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finansman Bölümü, Türkiye |
2007-2012, Araştırma Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, İktisat Bölümü, Türkiye |
2006-2007, Araştırma Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, İktisat Bölümü, Türkiye |
2018-, Fakülte Kurulu Üyeliği, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
2017-, Erasmus Koordinatörü, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
Murat Gündeş, Yüksek Lisans, Investigating the relationship between international trade and economic growth in BRICS countries:, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finansman Ana Bilim Dalı, 2023, (Asıl Danışman) |
Mounıra Lomrı, Yüksek Lisans, INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ITS CORRELATION TO ECONOMIC GROWTH, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İletişim Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı, 2023, (Asıl Danışman) |
Mert Yıldırım, Yüksek Lisans, Finansal tabana yayılmayı kolaylaştırıcı mobil para: Ankara ilinde bir uygulama, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uluslararası Ticaret Ana Bilim Dalı, 2020, (Asıl Danışman) |
Emircan Gülerer, Yüksek Lisans, The impact of globalization on economic growth in Brics, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finansman Ana Bilim Dalı, 2019, (Asıl Danışman) |
Nıma Alfarra, Yüksek Lisans, The role of the intellectual capital in achieving competitive advantage: A comparative study between, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Diğer, 2018, (Asıl Danışman) |
Mert Yıldırım, Yüksek Lisans, Finansal Tabana Yayılmayı Kolaylaştırıcı Mobil Para: Ankara İlinde Bir Uygulama, (Asıl Danışman) |
Merline Monsanto, Yüksek Lisans, The Impact of Trade Openness on Economic Growth in the Latin American and Caribbean Countries, (Asıl Danışman) |
2019-2020, European Union and Turkey, Lisans |
2019-2020, International Trade Theory and Policy, Yüksek Lisans |
2019-2020, Introduction to Economics II, Lisans |
2019-2020, Introduction to Economics I, Lisans |
2019-2020, Money, Banking and Credits, Lisans |
2019-2020, International Investment, Lisans |
2019-2020, International Trade Theory and Policy, Lisans |
2018-2019, International Trade Theory ande Policy, Lisans |
2018-2019, International Investment, Lisans |
2018-2019, Introduction to Economics I, Lisans |
2018-2019, International Trade Theory and Policy, Yüksek Lisans |
2018-2019, European Union and Turkey, Lisans |
2018-2019, Macroeconomics, Lisans |
2017-2018, International Investment, Lisans |
2017-2018, Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye: İktisadi İşbirliği ve Ekonomik Entegrasyon, Yüksek Lisans |
2017-2018, International Trade Theory and Policy, Yüksek Lisans |
2017-2018, International Trade Theory ande Policy, Lisans |
2017-2018, European Union and Turkey, Lisans |
2017-2018, Economic Integrations and the EU, Lisans |
2017-2018, Introduction to Economics II, Lisans |
2017-2018, Introduction to Economics I, Lisans |
2016-2017, International Trade Transactions and Applications, Yüksek Lisans |
2016-2017, Uluslararası Ekonomi Politikası, Yüksek Lisans |
2016-2017, International Trade Theory and Policy, Yüksek Lisans |
2016-2017, European Union and Turkey, Lisans |
2016-2017, Economic Integrations and the EU, Lisans |
2016-2017, Introduction to Economics II, Lisans |
2016-2017, International Investment, Lisans |
2016-2017, International Trade Theory ande Policy, Lisans |
2015-2016, International Investment, Lisans |
2015-2016, Economic Integrations and the EU, Lisans |
2015-2016, International Trade Theory ande Policy, Lisans |
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Kayıtlı İstihdama Geçişte Etkin Denetim Modellerinin Araştırılması (Ulusal) TÜBA ve TÜBİTAK Destekli Proje: Bursiyer , 2009-2011 |
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Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2024) "Agribusiness resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of credit constraints", Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika), 70 (12) pp. 591-605 [SSCI] Link DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2024) "Gender gap in digital financial inclusion across generations", Empirica, (0) [SSCI] Link DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2023) "Firm Survival in Times of Crisis: Do Innovation and Financing Constraints Matter? Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic", Eastern European Economics, 61 (5) pp. 421-456 [SSCI] DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2022) "Revisiting the bank lending channel in Turkey under the unconventional monetary policy framework", Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, 10 (3) pp. 1011-1021 DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2020) "What Explains Firm’s Access to Finance in Turkey?", Turkish Studies-Social Sciences, 15 (2) pp. 301-315 Link DOI |
Karadağlı, E.C., Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Profitability effects of financial globalization in an emerging market banking industry: insights into Turkey", Zbornik Radova Ekonomski Fakultet u Rijeka, 37 (1) pp. 303-325 [ESCI] Link DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Küresel Kriz Sonrasında Türkiye’de Para Politikasının Banka Karlılığı Üzerindeki Etkisi", Bankacılar Dergisi, (110) pp. 56-74 [TR Dizin] Link |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Nexus Between Foreign Banks and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from the Transition Economies.", Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 15 (2) pp. 249-262 [TR Dizin] Link |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Financial Inclusion in Turkey: Evidence from Individual Level Data", Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 74 (4) pp. 1377-1400 [TR Dizin] Link DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Gender gap in financial inclusion: Evidence from MENA", Economics and Business Letters, 8 (4) pp. 199-208 [ESCI] Link DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2018) "Is There a Financial Accelerator Mechanism in the Turkish Banking Industry?", Business and Economics Research Journal, 9 (4) pp. 787-798 [TR Dizin] DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2018) "Türkiye’de Banka Sermaye Tamponları, Kredi Büyümesi Ve İş Çevrimleri", Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, 6 (2) pp. 565-583 [TR Dizin] Link DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö., Özkazanç, E.A. (2016) "An Empirical Analysis of the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy in Turkey", EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE, 52 (3) pp. 589-609 [SSCI] DOI |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö., Acar, E.Ö. () "Can US wage increases be regarded as a leading indicator for bond rates?", World Journal of Applied Economics, (0) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Foreign Bank Participation and Banking Concentration in Transition Countries", 2nd International Congress of Business, Economics and Marketing , (Mayıs 2019) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "An Outline of Financial Inclusion in Emerging-7 Countries", Third International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management , (Ekim 2019) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "An Analysis of Financial Inclusion in Muslim Countries", Second International Scientific Conference on IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture , (Haziran 2019) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "What Explains Firm’s Access To Finance In Turkey?", 10. International Congress on Current Debates in Social Sciences , (Aralık 2019) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Gender Dimension of Financial Inclusion in Turkey", International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences , (Eylül 2019) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Financial Inclusion, Poverty and Inequality Nexus in Transition Economies", 10th International Conference of Political Economy , (Haziran 2019) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2018) "Financial Inclusion and Legal Gender Discrimination: New Evidence from Developing Countries", 8. International Congress on Current Debates on Social Sciences , (Ekim 2018) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2018) "Credit Dynamics in Turkey: An Insight from Bank Loans Tendency Survey", 1st International Congress of Human Studies , (Aralık 2018) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2018) "The Effect of Supply Constraints on Bank Credit: New Evidence from Euro Area in the Aftermath of the Global Crisis", International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences , (Aralık 2018) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö., Özkazanç, E.A. (2012) "An Empirical Analysis of the Bank Lending Channel in Turkey", 11th Annual European Economics and Finance Society , (Haziran 2012) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö., Özkazanç, E.A. (2012) "An Empirical Analysis of the Risk-taking Channel in Turkey", Third International Conference on Economic ICE-TEA , (Kasım 2012) |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2020) "Türkiye’de Finansal İçerme Herkes İçin Finansman", Ankara/Türkiye : Gazi Kitabevi |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2019) "Globalisation and Public Policy", : IJOPEC Publications |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2018) "Selected Social Sciences Research with Global and Local Approach", : SRA Academic Publishing |
Erenoğlu, E.A.Ö. (2018) "Current debates on Social Sciences Human Studies I", : Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları |
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(2013) "Doktora Tez Ödülü" ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ |
(2009) "Doktora Ders Performans Ödülü" ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ |
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Birlikte çalışılan kişi | Aktif Dönem | Çalışma Sayısı |
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2019 | 1 |
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Elif Akbostancı Özkazanç
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2012 - 2016 | 3 |