Post Doktora, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Michigan State University, Department Of Probability And Statistics, , 2014, 2014 |
Post Doktora, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Saginaw Valley State University, Michigan-Usa, , 2013, 2013 |
Doktora/Sanatta Yeterlilik/Tıpta Uzmanlık, Türkiye, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Matematik (Dr), 2004, 2011 |
Yüksek Lisans, Türkiye, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Matematik-Bilgisayar (Yl) (Tezli) (İngilizce), 2002, 2004 |
Lisans, Türkiye, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik-Bilgisayar Bölümü, 1997, 2002 |
İngilizce, YÖKDİL, 86, 09 Temmuz, 2017 |
İngilizce, YDS, 76, 2016-YDS S, 2016 |
Seminer, COST CA 15225- Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM), Gent Universitesi, Belcika, 31-01-2020, 07-02-2020 |
Seminer, Hacettepe-Matematik Bölüm Semineri, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Matematik Bölüm Binası, Beytepe Kampüsü, Ankara, 15-04-2019, 15-04-2019 |
Kurs, VSpace, Saginaw Valley State University, SVSU-Michigan, ABD, Amerika, 01-08-2013, 08-08-2013 |
Sertifika, Saginaw Valley State University adli Amerikan devlet universitesinde ders verme belgesi, SVSU-Michigan, ABD, 26-08-2013, 13-12-2013 |
Seminer, "SE&T Annual Symposium (SVSU, Michigan-USA)" uluslararasi sempozyumda konusma, Saginaw Valley Devlet Universitesi, Michigan-Amerika Birlesik Devletleri, 26-04-2013, 26-04-2013 |
Seminer, 'SVSU-Math Department Seminars' kapsaminda SVSU adli universitede Matematik Bolum Semineri, Department of Mathematics, Saginaw Valley State University, Michigan, USA, 28-03-2013, 28-03-2013 |
Seminer, ODTÜ-İstatistik Bölüm Semineri, ODTÜ Kampüsü İstatistik Bölüm Binası, Ankara, 01-12-2011, 01-12-2011 |
Seminer, Erasmus Öğretim Elemanı Değişim Programı, Aveiro, Portekiz, 14-09-2009, 18-09-2009 |
Kurs, NATO ASI (Advanced Studies Institute) Calisma Okulu, Toscana-Italya, 06-07-2003, 19-07-2003 |
[UAK] Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Matematik Uygulamalı Matematik |
2023-, Doçent, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik, YÖK Doçentlik Belgesi (Eylül 2021), Türkiye |
2016-, Doktor Öğretim Üyesi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik Bölümü, Türkiye |
2014-2014, Doktor Öğretim Üyesi, Misafir, Michigan State University, Faculty of Science, Department of Probability and Statistics, Amerika |
2013-2013, Doktor Öğretim Üyesi, Misafir, Saginaw Valley State University, SE&T College, Department of Mathematics, Amerika |
2012-2016, Doktor Öğretim Üyesi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik-Bilgisayar Bölümü, Türkiye |
2008-2012, Öğretim Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik-Bilgisayar Bölümü, Türkiye |
2002-2008, Araştırma Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Matematik-Bilgisayar Bölümü, Türkiye |
2023-, Fakülte kurulu üyesi, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat, Matematik, Türkiye |
2023-, Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat, Matematik, Türkiye |
2016-2017, Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
2016-2016, Bölüm Başkanı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
2016-2019, Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliği, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
2016-2019, Enstitü Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliği, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
2015-2016, Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
2015-2018, Fakülte Kurulu Üyeliği, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
Gadrıah Jamaah Alı Madı, Yüksek Lisans, New trends in fractional optimal control problems, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Matematik Ana Bilim Dalı, 2018, (Asıl Danışman) |
Tuğba Altunalan, Yüksek Lisans, Some spectral methods with applications for the numerical solutions of partial differential equation, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Matematik Bilgisayar Ana Bilim Dalı, 2016, (Asıl Danışman) |
Suaad Abdullah, Yüksek Lisans, Some new trends in superintegrable systems, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Matematik ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı, 2015, (Asıl Danışman) |
2024-2025, Math 221- Introduction to Mathematical Software, Lisans |
2024-2025, Math 381 - Scientific Computing, Lisans |
2023-2024, Math 205 - Basic Linear Algebra (Servis Course), Lisans |
2023-2024, Math 490- Graduation Seminar, Lisans |
2023-2024, Math 386 - Introduction to Mathematical Modelling, Lisans |
2020-2021, MATH 103 - General Mathematics, Ön Lisans |
2020-2021, MATH 205 - Basic Linear Algebra, Lisans |
2019-2020, MATH 282 - Numerical Analysis, Lisans |
2019-2020, MATH 103 - General Mathematics, Ön Lisans |
2019-2020, MATH 111 - Mathematics for Economics and Social Sciences I, Lisans |
2019-2020, MATH 105 - Business Mathematics I, Lisans |
2019-2020, MATH 106 - Business Mathematics II (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2019-2020, MATH 205 - Basic Linear Algebra (Guz ve Bahar), Lisans |
2019-2020, MATH 205 - Basic Linear Algebra (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2018-2019, MATH 282 - Numerical Analysis, Lisans |
2018-2019, MATH 111 - Mathematics for Economics and Social Sciences I, Lisans |
2018-2019, MATH 106 - Business Mathematics II, Lisans |
2018-2019, MATH 205 - Basic Linear Algebra (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2018-2019, MATH 205 - Basic Linear Algebra (Guz ve Bahar), Lisans |
2017-2018, MATH 107 - Mathematics for Business and Economics I, Lisans |
2017-2018, MATH 108 - Mathematics for Business and Economics II (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2017-2018, MATH 205 - Basic Linear Algebra, Lisans |
2017-2018, MCS 592 - Graduate Seminar II (non-thesis), Yüksek Lisans |
2017-2018, MATH 113 - Mathematics for City Planners, Lisans |
2017-2018, MATH 101 - Mathematics for International Trade, Ön Lisans |
2017-2018, MCS 410 - Special Functions, Lisans |
2017-2018, MATH 205 - Basic Linear Algebra (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2017-2018, MCS 491-Graduation Seminar I, Lisans |
2017-2018, MCS 492-Graduation Seminar II, Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 592 - Graduate Seminar II (non-thesis), Yüksek Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 492-Graduation Seminar II, Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 491-Graduation Seminar I, Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 311 - Calculus of Variations, Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 381 - Scientific Computation, Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 386 - Introduction to Mathematical Modelling, Lisans |
2016-2017, MATH 107 - Mathematics for Business and Economics I, Lisans |
2016-2017, MATH 108 - Calculus for Business and Economics II (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 512 - Scientific Computation II, Yüksek Lisans |
2016-2017, MCS 503 - Scientific Computation I, Yüksek Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 492-Graduation Seminar II, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 181 - Introduction to Computer Science, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 410 - Special Functions, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 491-Graduation Seminar I, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 282 - Numerical Analysis, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 381 - ScientificComputation, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 386 - Introduction to Mathematical Modelling, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 108 - Mathematics for Business and Economics II, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 107 - Mathematics for Business and Economics I, Lisans |
2015-2016, MCS 591-Special Studies & MCS 599-Master Thesis, Yüksek Lisans |
2014-2015, MCS 108 - Mathematics for Business and Economics II (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2014-2015, MCS 590 - Seminar, Yüksek Lisans |
2014-2015, MCS 492-Graduation Seminar II, Lisans |
2014-2015, MCS 101 - Mathematics for International Trade (Yaz Okulu), Ön Lisans |
2014-2015, MCS 386 - Introduction to Mathematical Modelling, Lisans |
2014-2015, MCS 282 - Numerical Analysis, Lisans |
2014-2015, MCS 108 - Mathematics for Business and Economics II, Lisans |
2012-2013, MCS 491-GRADUATION PROJECT I, Lisans |
2012-2013, MCS 107 - Mathematics for Business and Economics I, Lisans |
2012-2013, MCS 503-Scientific Computation I, Yüksek Lisans |
2012-2013, MCS 381-SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION, Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 381-SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION, Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 492-GRADUATION PROJECT II, Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 381-SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION (Yaz Okulu), Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 107 - Mathematics for Business and Economics I, Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 503-Scientific Computation I, Yüksek Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 491-GRADUATION PROJECT I, Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 282 - Numerical Anaysis, Lisans |
2011-2012, MCS 108 - Mathematics for Business and Economics II, Lisans |
2010-2011, MCS 381-SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION, Lisans |
2010-2011, MCS 491-GRADUATION PROJECT I, Lisans |
2010-2011, MCS 182 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING I, Lisans |
2010-2011, MCS 492-GRADUATION PROJECT II, Lisans |
2010-2011, MCS 386 - Introduction to Mathematical Modelling, Lisans |
2009-2010, MCS 182 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING I, Lisans |
2009-2010, MCS 182 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING I (YAZ OKULU), Lisans |
2009-2010, MCS 491-GRADUATION PROJECT I, Lisans |
2009-2010, MCS 492-GRADUATION PROJECT II, Lisans |
2009-2010, MCS 381-SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION, Lisans |
2008-2009, MCS 182 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING I (YAZ OKULU), Lisans |
2008-2009, MCS 182 - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING I, Lisans |
No Records |
No Records |
DEFTERLİ, Ö. (2024) "Fractional investigation of time-dependent mass pendulum", JOURNAL OF LOW FREQUENCY NOISE VIBRATION AND ACTIVE CONTROL, 43 (1) pp. 196-207 [Scopus] Link DOI |
Defterli, Ö. (2023) "Fractional investigation of time-dependent mass pendulum", JOURNAL OF LOW FREQUENCY NOISE VIBRATION AND ACTIVE CONTROL, (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D., Jajarmi, A., Sajjadı, S.S., Asad, J.H. (2022) "FRACTIONAL TREATMENT: AN ACCELERATED MASS-SPRING SYSTEM", Romanian Reports in Physics, 74 (4) p. 122 [SCI Expanded] Link |
Baleanu, D., Sajjadı, S.S., Jajarmi, A., Defterli, Ö. (2021) "On a nonlinear dynamical system with both chaotic and nonchaotic behaviors: a new fractional analysis and control", Advances in Difference Equations, 2021 (0) p. 234 [Scopus] DOI |
Baleanu, D., Sajjadı, S.S., Jajarmi, A., Defterli, Ö., Asad, J.H. (2021) "THE FRACTIONAL DYNAMICS OF A LINEAR TRIATOMIC MOLECULE", Romanian Reports in Physics, 73 (1) p. 105 [SCI Expanded] Link |
Defterli, Ö. (2021) "Comparative analysis of fractional order dengue model with temperature effect via singular and non-singular operators", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 144 (0) p. 110654 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Arshad, S., Saleem, I., Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D., Tang, Y. (2021) "Simpson's method for fractional differential equations with a non-singular kernel applied to a chaotic tumor model", Physica Scripta, 96 (12) p. 124019 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Shaheen, A., Shen, J., Arshad, S., Defterli, Ö., Xie, X., Baleanu, D. (2020) "A novel fractional grey model applied to the environmental assessment in Turkey", International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 11 (5) p. 2050039 [ESCI] DOI |
Defterli, Ö. (2020) "Modeling the impact of temperature on fractional order dengue model with vertical transmission", An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 10 (1) pp. 85-93 [TR Dizin] DOI |
Arshad, S., Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D. (2020) "A second order accurate approximation for fractional derivatives with singular and non-singular kernel applied to a HIV model", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 374 (0) p. 125061 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Arshad, S., Baleanu, D., Defterli, Ö., K, S. (2019) "A numerical framework for the approximate solution of fractional tumor-obesity model", International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 10 (1) p. 1941008 [ESCI] DOI |
Usman, M., Soomro, F.A., Haq, R.U., Wang, W., Defterli, Ö. (2018) "Thermal and velocity slip effects on Casson nanofluid flow over an inclined permeable stretching cylinder via collocation method", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 122 (0) pp. 1255-1263 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Kropat, E., Ozmen, A., Weber, G., Meyer-Nieberg, S., Defterli, Ö. (2016) "Fuzzy prediction strategies for gene-environment networks - Fuzzy regression analysis for two-modal regulatory systems", RAIRO - Operations Research, 50 (2) pp. 413-435 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Defterli, Ö., D'Elia, M., Du, Q., Gunzburger, M., Lehoucq, R., Meerschaert, M.M. (2015) "Fractional Diffusion on Bounded Domains", Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 18 (2) pp. 342-360 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Ozmen, A., Weber, G., Çavuşoğlu, Z., Defterli, Ö. (2013) "The new robust conic GPLM method with an application to finance: prediction of credit default", Journal of Global Optimization, 56 (2) pp. 233-249 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Weber, G., Defterli, Ö., Gök, S.Z.A., Kropat, E. (2011) "Modeling, inference and optimization of regulatory networks based on time series data", European Journal of Operational Research, 211 (1) pp. 1-14 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Defterli, Ö., Fuegenschuh, A., Weber, G. (2011) "Modern tools for the time-discrete dynamics and optimization of gene-environment networks", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16 (12) pp. 4768-4779 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Defterli, Ö. (2010) "A numerical scheme for two-dimensional optimal control problems with memory effect", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 59 (5) pp. 1630-1636 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Agrawal, O.P., Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D. (2010) "Fractional Optimal Control Problems with Several State and Control Variables", Journal of Vibration and Control, 16 (13) pp. 1967-1976 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Baleanu, D., Defterli, Ö., Agrawal, O.P. (2009) "A Central Difference Numerical Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems", Journal of Vibration and Control, 15 (4) pp. 583-597 [SCI Expanded] DOI |
Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D. (2006) "Symplectic algorithm for systems with second-class constraints", Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 56 (0) pp. 1117-1122 [SCI] DOI |
Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D. (2005) "Projector quantization method of systems with linearly dependent constraints", Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 55 (11) pp. 1379-1384 [SCI] DOI |
Baleanu, D., Defterli, Ö. (2004) "Killing-Yano Tensors and Angular Momentum", Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 (2) pp. 157-165 [SCI] DOI |
Defterli, Ö. (2023) "A Fractional Lagrangian Approach for Two Masses with Linear and Cubic Nonlinear Stiffness", International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, ICFDA 2023 , Ajman, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, (Haziran 2023) |
Defterli, Ö. (2022) "Stability Analysis of COVID-19 via a Fractional Order Mathematical Model", International Conference on Fractional Calculus and its Applications, 2021 (ICFDA2021) , (pp. 90-95), Polonya, (Nisan 2022) |
Defterli, Ö., Arshad, S., Jajarmi, A. (2019) "Infectious Disease Dynamics within Advanced Fractional Operators", International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ICCMAS 2019) , (pp. 234-235), Istanbul, Türkiye, (Temmuz 2019) |
Defterli, Ö. (2018) "New Aspects of Fractional Optimal Control Problems with Applications", THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES (CMES 2018) , (pp. 284), Girne, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, (Mayıs 2018) |
Defterli, Ö. (2018) "About Some New Developments in Fractional Variational Principals", 10th Conference on Non-integer Order Calculus and its Applications(RRNR 2018)-(Annual Workshop 2018 of the COST Action CA15225) , (pp. 5), Bialystok, Polonya, (Ekim 2018) |
Defterli, Ö., Ozmen, A. (2018) "Advanced Regression Models for Complex Regulatory Systems with Applications: CMARS Versus MARS", The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications(AIMS 2018) , (pp. 418), Tapei, Tayvan, (Temmuz 2018) |
Defterli, Ö. (2017) "Hidden Symmetries within Some New Derivatives", 2nd International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2017) , (pp. 37), Istanbul, Türkiye, (Mayıs 2017) |
Defterli, Ö., Ozmen, A., Weber, G. (2017) "A Real-World Application for Genetic Regulatory Networks via Spline Regression Models", INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING (MME 2017) , (pp. 60), Ankara, Türkiye, (Nisan 2017) |
Defterli, Ö., Gazi, V.P., Weber, G. (2014) "Advanced mathematical and statistical tools in the dynamic modeling and simulation of gene-environment regulatory networks (Ilgili ozet: Reconstruction of a Complex Biochemical System and Forecasting Its Behaviour)", The 25th Conference of the ECCO (European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization) 2012 , (pp. 237-257), Antalya, Türkiye, (Ağustos 2014) |
Moreno, L.A., Defterli, Ö., Fuegenschuh, A., Weber, G. (2014) "Vester's Sensitivity Model for Genetic Networks with Time-Discrete Dynamics; (Kitap Adi: Algorithms for Computational Biology)", 1st International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB 2014) , (pp. 35-46), Tarragona, İspanya, (Temmuz 2014) |
Defterli, Ö., Fuegenschuh, A., Weber, G. (2010) "New discretization and optimization techniques with results in the dynamics of gene environment networks", 3rd Global Conference on Power Control & Optimization (PCO 2010) , Gold Coast, Avustralya, (Şubat 2010) |
Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D., Agrawal, O.P. (2008) "Direct Numerical Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems in Multidimensions", 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (Controlo 2008) , (pp. 33), Vila Real, Portekiz, (Temmuz 2008) |
Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D. (2007) "Hidden symmetries of two dimensional superintegrable systems", Mathematical Methods in Engineering International Symposium (MME 2006) , (pp. 159-166), Ankara, Türkiye, (Ocak 2007) |
Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D. (2004) "Killing-Yano Tensors and Superintegrable Systems", 13th International Colloquium on Quantum Groups (ISQS 2004) , (pp. 1215-1221), Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, (Kasım 2004) |
Baleanu, D., Defterli, Ö. (2004) "Killing-Yano tensors, surface terms and superintegrable systems", International Workshop on Global Analysis (IWGA 2004) , (pp. 99-105), Ankara, Türkiye, (Aralık 2004) |
No Records |
DEFTERLİ, Ö. (2023) "A Fractional Lagrangian Approach for Two Masses with Linear and Cubic Nonlinear Stiffness", Kitap: 2023 International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, ICFDA 2023, Amerika : IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.) |
DEFTERLİ, Ö. (2022) "Stability Analysis of COVID-19 via a Fractional Order Mathematical Model", Kitap: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 452, pp.90-95) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (ICFDA'21), İsviçre : Springer |
Defterli, Ö., Baleanu, D. (2007) "Mathematical Methods in Engineering", Dordrecht/Danimarka : Springer |
No Records |
No Records |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2024 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2023 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Fractal and Fractional, 2022 |
(Ulusal - Bilimsel Dergi) Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, 2022 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Chaos, Soliton and Fractals, 2021 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2020 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2018 |
(Ulusal - Bilimsel Dergi) Communications, Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics, 2017 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2017 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems-D, 2017 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2017 |
(Ulusal - Bilimsel Dergi) International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 2017 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Advances in Difference Equations, 2017 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO), 2016 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Journal of Vibration and Control (JVC), 2016 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Open Physics, 2015 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Abstract and Applied Mathematics, 2012 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2011 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Central European Journal of Physics, 2010 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Physica A, 0 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 0 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Abstract and Applied Analysis, 0 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A, 0 |
(Uluslararası - Bilimsel Dergi) Bifurcation and Chaos, 0 |
No Records |
Sıra | Yayın | Makale (WoS) |
Makale (ESCI) |
Makale (Scopus) |
Makale (TR Dizin) |
Kitap (Uluslararası) |
Kitap (Ulusal) |
Makale (Diğer) |
Toplam Atıf |
1 |
A Central Difference Numerical Scheme for Fractional Optimal Control Problems
Journal of Vibration and Control
158 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 178 | |
2 |
Fractional Diffusion on Bounded Domains
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
133 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 143 | |
3 |
Thermal and velocity slip effects on Casson nanofluid flow over an inclined permeable stretching cylinder via collocation method
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
122 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 128 | |
4 |
Fractional Optimal Control Problems with Several State and Control Variables
Journal of Vibration and Control
102 | 0 | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 125 | |
5 |
On a nonlinear dynamical system with both chaotic and nonchaotic behaviors: a new fractional analysis and control
Advances in Difference Equations
91 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | |
6 |
Romanian Reports in Physics
80 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | |
7 |
The new robust conic GPLM method with an application to finance: prediction of credit default
Journal of Global Optimization
29 | 0 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 61 | |
8 |
Romanian Reports in Physics
47 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 58 | |
9 |
Modeling, inference and optimization of regulatory networks based on time series data
European Journal of Operational Research
45 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 52 | |
10 |
Fuzzy prediction strategies for gene-environment networks - Fuzzy regression analysis for two-modal regulatory systems
RAIRO - Operations Research
41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 41 | |
11 |
A numerical scheme for two-dimensional optimal control problems with memory effect
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
34 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 37 | |
12 |
Modern tools for the time-discrete dynamics and optimization of gene-environment networks
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
8 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
13 |
A second order accurate approximation for fractional derivatives with singular and non-singular kernel applied to a HIV model
Applied Mathematics and Computation
10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 16 | |
14 |
Modeling the impact of temperature on fractional order dengue model with vertical transmission
An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA)
9 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | |
15 |
A numerical framework for the approximate solution of fractional tumor-obesity model
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing
6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
16 |
Comparative analysis of fractional order dengue model with temperature effect via singular and non-singular operators
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
17 |
Killing-Yano Tensors and Angular Momentum
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
18 |
Vester's Sensitivity Model for Genetic Networks with Time-Discrete Dynamics; (Kitap Adi: Algorithms for Computational Biology)
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
19 |
Advanced mathematical and statistical tools in the dynamic modeling and simulation of gene-environment regulatory networks (Ilgili ozet: Reconstruction of a Complex Biochemical System and Forecasting Its Behaviour)
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
(2024) "Best Paper Presentation Award (ICMMAAC2024, Beirut-Lebanon, April 18-20 2024)" The Lebanese American University and Jaipur Mathematical Society |
(2022) "20.Yıl Hizmet Ödülü" Çankaya Üniversitesi |
(2020) "Wen Chen Award" |
(2013) "Service Award (as International Guest Scholar) )" Saginaw Valley State University |
(2010) "Yurtici Doktora Bursu" TÜBİTAK |
(2002) "Fakülte Birinciliği (Lisans Mezuniyeti)" ÇANKAYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ |
(Uluslararası) Davetli Konuşmacı, "Advanced mathematical tools in anticipating tumor dynamics", First Online Conference on Modern Fractional Calculus and its Applications, Biruni University, Turke, 12-2020 |
(Uluslararası) Davetli Konuşmacı, "Mathematical modeling in cancer research", Podlasie Math Days 2020, Bialystok Technical University, Poland,, 11-2020 |
No Records |
No Records |
Birlikte çalışılan kişi | Aktif Dönem | Çalışma Sayısı |
![]() ![]() |
2004 - 2022 | 17 |
Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
2010 - 2017 | 8 |
Sadia Arshad
2019 - 2021 | 5 |
Amin Jajarmi
2019 - 2022 | 4 |
Ayse Ozmen
2013 - 2018 | 4 |
Armin Fuegenschuh
2010 - 2014 | 3 |
Om P. Agrawal
2008 - 2010 | 3 |
Samaneh Sadat Sajjadı
2021 - 2022 | 3 |
Erik Kropat
2011 - 2016 | 2 |
Jihad H. Asad
2021 - 2022 | 2 |
Sırma Zeynep Alparslan Gök
![]() |
2011 | 1 |
Vilda Purutçuoğlu Gazi
2014 | 1 |
Aliya Shaheen
2020 | 1 |
Feroz Ahmed Soomro
2018 | 1 |
Iram Saleem
2021 | 1 |
Jinyong Shen
2020 | 1 |
Liana Amaya Moreno
2014 | 1 |
Mark M. Meerschaert
2015 | 1 |
Marta D'Elia
2015 | 1 |
Max Gunzburger
2015 | 1 |
Muhammad Usman
2018 | 1 |
Qiang Du
2015 | 1 |
Rich Lehoucq
2015 | 1 |
Rizwan Ul Haq
2018 | 1 |
Shumaila K
2019 | 1 |
Silja Meyer-Nieberg
2016 | 1 |
Wei Wang
2018 | 1 |
Xiaoqing Xie
2020 | 1 |
Yifa Tang
2021 | 1 |
Zehra Çavuşoğlu
2013 | 1 |
Alan Adı | Alandaki Toplam Öğretim Elemanı Sayısı | |
TÜBİTAK Araştırma Alanı | ||
YÖKSİS Temel Alan | ||
YÖKSİS Bilim Alanı | ||
Anahtar Kelimeler | - |
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