
Prof. Dr. Ali KİRACI

  • Department Of Inter-Curricular Courses
  • Physics Unit - Non-Field Elective Courses
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Education History
Doktora/Sanatta Yeterlilik/Tıpta Uzmanlık, Türkiye, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik (Dr), 2010, 2015
Doktora/Sanatta Yeterlilik/Tıpta Uzmanlık, Türkiye, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, 2009, 2015
Yüksek Lisans, Türkiye, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik (Yl) (Tezli), 2005, 2008
Yüksek Lisans, Türkiye, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik (Yl) (Tezli), 2005, 2008
Lisans, Türkiye, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, 2000, 2005
Foreign Languages
İngilizce, YÖKDİL, 85, 2019 Yükse, 2019
İngilizce, YÖKDİL, 85, 2019
İngilizce, ÜDS, 70, 2009
No Records
[UAK] Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Fizik Termodinamik
[UAK] Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Fizik Yoğun Madde Fiziği
[UAK] Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Fizik İstatistik Fizik
Academic Titles
2018-, Doçent, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği, Türkiye
2016-, Yardımcı Doçent, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Rektörlük, Ortak Dersler Bölümü, Türkiye
2013-, Öğretim Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği Bölümü, Türkiye
2009-2013, Araştırma Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, Türkiye
2006-2009, Araştırma Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, Türkiye
Administrative Experience
No Records
Theses Supervised
Özcan Tilki, Doktora, Quantum Logic Circuit Synthesis for Cryptographic Algorithm Optimization, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, 2024, (Asıl Danışman)
Nazan Kara, Doktora, Phenomenological approaches on the phase transition mechanisms of some ferroelectric materials, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik Ana Bilim Dalı, 2023, (Asıl Danışman)
Courses Taught
2017-2018, Physics II (PHYS 132) (GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2017-2018, Physics I (PHYS 131) (GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2016-2017, Physics II (PHYS 132) (GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2016-2017, Physics I (PHYS 131) (GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2016-2017, Physics II (PHYS 132) (BAHAR DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2016-2017, Physics II (PHYS 132) (YAZ OKULU), Lisans
2015-2016, Physics II (PHYS 132) (GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2015-2016, Physics I (PHYS 131) (GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2015-2016, Physics II (PHYS 132) (BAHAR DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2015-2016, Physics II (PHYS 132) (YAZ OKULU), Lisans
2014-2015, Physics II (PHYS 132)(BAHAR DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2014-2015, Physics I (PHYS 131)(BAHAR DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2014-2015, Physics I (PHYS 131)(GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2014-2015, Physics II (PHYS 132) (GÜZ DÖNEMİ), Lisans
2013-2014, Physics I (PHYS131) (Yaz Okulu), Lisans
2013-2014, Physics II (PHYS132) (Yaz Okulu), Lisans
2013-2014, Physics II (PHYS 132) General Physics II (PHYS 122)(Güz Dönemi), Lisans
2013-2014, Physics II (PHYS 132) General Physics II (PHYS 122)(Bahar Dönemi), Lisans
2013-2014, Physics I (PHYS 131) General Physics I (PHYS 121)(Bahar Dönemi), Lisans
2013-2014, Physics I (PHYS 131) General Physics I (PHYS 121)(Güz Dönemi), Lisans
Research Experience
No Records
Biyolojik Uygulamalar İçin Zencefil (Zingiber Officinale) Ekstresi Tabanlı Süperparamanyetik Fe3O4 Nanoparçacıklarının (SPION) Sentezi (Ulusal) Yükseköğretim Kurumları Tarafından Destekli Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi: Yürütücü , 2024
Intellectual Properties
No Records
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2024) "Thermodynamic and dielectric properties of hexagonal barium titanate near the phase transitions", Physica Scripta, 99 (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2022) "Investigation of the anomalous behavior of the linewidth (damping constant) for the Raman Ag modes in SrSnO3 ceramic", Informa UK Limited, 599 (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2022) "Calculation of the Halfwidth and the Activation Energy for the Soft Raman Modes in the Brominated Compounds of Tris-Sarcosine Calcium Chloride", Trends in Sciences, 19 (0) DOI
Kara, N., Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2022) "Calculation of the spin-lattice relaxation time and the activation energy near the IV\u2013III phase transition in pyridinium fluorosulfonate (C<sub>5<\/sub>NH<sub>6<\/sub>)FSO<sub>3<\/sub>", Ferroelectrics, 589 (0) pp. 45-54 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2021) "Phenomenological Study of Manganese Antimonite Close to the Néel Temperature", IEEE Magnetics Letters, 12 (0) [SCI] DOI
Kara, N., Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2021) "Phenomenological approaches on the Nd3+ doped ferroelectric LaBGeO5", Ferroelectrics, 572 (1) pp. 13-26 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2021) "A phenomenological study on ferroelectric β-glycine", Ferroelectrics, 572 (1) pp. 277-286 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2021) "Analysis of the specific heat and the free energy and calculation of the entropy and the internal energy of [N(CH3)4]2MnBr4 close to the phase transition", Ferroelectrics, 583 (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kara, N., Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2021) "Calculation of the Relaxation Time and the Activation Energy Close to the Lower Phase Transition in Imidazolium Perchlorate", Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 17 (0) DOI
Aşkun, A.R., Kiracı, A. (2021) "Analysis and mathematical computation of some dynamic functions for the guanidine zinc sulfate", Ferroelectrics, 584 (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2021) "A phenomenological study on ferroelastic KH3(SeO3)2 and KD3(SeO3)2", Materials Research Bulletin, 143 (0) [SCI] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2020) "The Important Role of N(2)(CH3)4 Ion in the Phase-Transition Mechanism of [N(CH3)4]2ZnBr4", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 67 (0) [SCI] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2019) "Analysis of the specific heat and the free energy of [N(CH3)4]2ZnBr4 close to the ferro-paraelastic phase transition", Phase Transitions, 92 (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2019) "Order\u2013disorder transition in the ferroelectric LiTaO3", Ferroelectrics, 551 (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2019) "A thermodynamic study on PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 ceramic close to the tetragonal-cubic transition", Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 56 (0) [SCI] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2019) "A phenomenological study on ferroelectric pyridinium tetrafluoroborate (C5NH6) BF4", Thermochimica Acta, 680 (0) [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A. (2019) "Raman wavenumbers calculated as a function of pressure from the mode Grüneisen parameter of PZT (x=0.48) ceramic close to the monoclinic-cubic transition", Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, 9 (0) DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2018) "Analysis of the integrated intensity of the central peaks calculated as a function of temperature in the ferroelectric phase of lithium tantalate", Thermal Science, 22 (0) pp. 221-227 [SCI] Link DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2017) "Temperature dependence of the polarization, dielectric constant, damping constant and the relaxation time close to the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in LiNbO 3", Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 132 (0) pp. 183-191 [SCI] Link DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2017) "Damping constant, dielectric susceptibility, inverse relaxation time and the activation energy calculated as a function of temperature from the Raman frequency for the rhombohedral-tetragonal phase transition in BaCeO3", Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19 (3) pp. 77-83 [TR Dizin] Link DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2017) "Calculation of the Frequency shifts and damping constant for the Raman modes (A1g, B1) near the tetragonal - cubic transition in SrTiO3", Turkish Journal of Physics, 41 (6) pp. 526-535 [TR Dizin] Link DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2017) "Calculation of the raman frequency, damping constant (Linewidth) and the relaxation time near the tetragonal-cubic transition in PbTiO 3", Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 142 (0) pp. 311-319 [SCI] Link DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2017) "Pressure-dependent Raman modes near the cubic-tetragonal transition in strontium titanate", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, (0) [SCI] Link DOI
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2017) "title Pressure dependence of the Raman frequency calculated from the volume data close to the ferroelectric-paraelectric transition in PbTiO sub3/sub/title", Ferroelectrics, 520 (1) pp. 245-255 [SCI] Link DOI
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2017) "Temperature dependence of the damping constant and the relaxation time close to the tetragonal-cubic phase transition in SrZrO3", Journal of Molecular Structure, 1128 (0) pp. 51-56 [SCI] Link DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2016) "Damping constant and the relaxation time calculated for the lowest-frequency soft mode in the ferroelectric phase of Cd 2 Nb 2 O 7", Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 127 (23) pp. 11497-11504 [SCI] Link DOI
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2016) "title Damping Constant (Linewidth) and the Relaxation Time of the Brillouin LA Mode for the Ferroelectric-Paraelectric Transition in PbZr sub 1– ![CDATA[ italic x /italic ]] /sub Ti sub ![CDATA[ italic x /italic ]] /sub O sub 3 /sub /title", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63 (10) pp. 1647-1655 [SCI] Link DOI
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2014) "title Calculation of the Infrared Frequencies as a Function of Temperature Using the Volume Data in the Ferroelectric Phase of NaNO sub2/sub/title", Ferroelectrics, 460 (1) pp. 149-156 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2013) "Temperature dependence of the polarization and the dielectric constant near the paraelectric ferroelectric transitions in BaTiO3", JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING, 19 (9) pp. 3925-3930 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2013) "Damping Constant Calculated as a Function of Temperature for the Tetragonal Raman Mode Close to the Paraelectric Ferroelectric Transition in BaTiO3", FERROELECTRICS, 432 (1) pp. 93-98 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2012) "Calculation of the Damping Constant and the Relaxation Time for the Soft Optic and Acoustic Mode in Hexagonal Barium Titanate", FERROELECTRICS, 437 (1) pp. 137-148 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2012) "Temperature Dependence of the Raman Frequency Damping Constant and the Activation Energy of a Soft Optic Mode in Ferroelectric Barium Titanate", FERROELECTRICS, 432 (1) pp. 14-21 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Yurtseven, H.H., Karaçalı, H., Kiracı, A. (2011) "title CALCULATION OF THE DAMPING CONSTANT AND ACTIVATION ENERGY FOR RAMAN MODES IN NH sub 4 sub sub 2 sub SO sub 4 sub title", International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25 (15) pp. 2063-2080 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI
Karaçalı, H., Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2010) "Calculation of the Raman frequency and the damping constant of a coupled mode in the ferroelectric and paraelectric phases in KH2PO4", PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 247 (4) pp. 927-936 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Karaçalı, H., Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2009) "Raman linewidths calculated as a function of temperature in NaNO2", PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 246 (5) pp. 1124-1131 [SCI Expanded] DOI
Conference Papers
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2017) "Analysis of the Integrated Intensity of the Central Peaks Calculated as a Function of Temperature in the Ferroelectric Phase of Lithium Tantalate.", International workshop on mathematical methods in engineering , (Nisan 2017)
Yurtseven, H.H., Kiracı, A. (2017) "Damping constant and the inverse relaxation time calculated as a function of pressure using the x-ray diffraction data close to the cubic-tetragonal phase transition in SrTiO3", 8 th International Coference on Electroceramics , Nagoya, Japonya, (Mayıs 2017)
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2017) "Calculation of the DampingConstant, Relaxation Timeand the Activation Energy ofRaman Modes inStoichiometric LiTaO3", INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ONMATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING , (Nisan 2017)
Kiracı, A., Yurtseven, H.H. (2014) "Calculation of the damping constant and the order parameter for the lattice mode in ferroelectric PbTiOinf3/inf", 2013 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectric and Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/PFM) , Prague 4, Czech Republic, (Şubat 2014)
No Records
Book Chapters
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Other Publications
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Editor in Scientific Journals
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Referee in Scientific Publications
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Member in Vocational/Scientific Bodies
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Atıf bilgisi bulunmamaktadır
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Roles in Conferences/Symposiums
No Records
No Records
No Records
Art Activities
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Birlikte çalışılan kişi Aktif Dönem Çalışma Sayısı
2021 1
Hasan Hamit Yurtseven
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
2009 - 2024 27
Hüseyin Karaçalı
Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi
2009 - 2011 3
Nazan Kara
2021 - 2022 3